the rolling donut

contains a source of phenylalanine

Saturday, January 10, 2004
well, here we are again... 7 weeks have passed and im back on nights once more.

pretty good night actually. only 13 beds open tonight, all full. noone really sick, but there are two myectomy patients for hocm*, one just a little dodgy out of theatre. his co* was around 3.4 and ci* around 1.8. gave him a bit of inotropic support and he seems to be ok now, peeing ok. another elderly lady with a flail segment after a fall suddenly desaturated overnight, needing a chest tube. 3000ml out stat, serous, not blood. probably due to her cald* instead. nothing much else to report otherwise.

had plenty of time to catch up on news items through the night:

- american homeland security secretary ridge has stepped the country down from alert level orange to yellow. hmm...
- greg rusedski has tested positive for nandrolone. hmm...
- we can now get cancer from eating farmed scottish salmon (toxins and shit in the feed). woohoo...
- saddam has been given official prisoner of war status. well i never...
- first pics of lady louise windsor (taken by her uncle prince andrew!) released by the palace... she was on our nicu*!
- unofficial us delegation visits the nuclear complex at yongbyon, north korea. hmm...
- herges adventures of tintin (first appeared in 1929) are 75 years old! well worth checking out for those that havent before. did most of them myself when i was a kid.

food of the night:

cheese & cauliflower cornish pasty

right, better go take this vancomycin level. surely intensive care nurses here ought to be certified to venesect? *sigh*

oh, my fellow comrade on the unit tony wants the world to know that hes back from his new years holiday. he was in paris for nye. wtf?

* hocm = hypertrophic obstructive cardiomyopathy, co = cardiac output, ci = cardiac index, cald = chronic alcoholic liver disease, nicu = neonatal intensive care unit

oh yeah, various things at the end...

"the rolling donut" was inspired by jen jens "its a zoo out there".
she really needs to cut down on reality tv. is seriously hazardous to her health! =)

others worth checking out: alas, these are all people that either have had the misfortune to have stumbled over the donut, or have mysteriously been stumbled upon by the donut. still...

dont panic!
other stuff should appear here soon too, when i have the time. links to all kindsa diff things. watch this space!
and yeah, i know this layout is lame. gimme time! css takes a while to sort out! =(

well, if anyone wants to get hold of me, umm... please dont. unless its funny (and i mean haha funny, not weird funny!), in which case go ahead.
ill be at the usual place i guess.

if anything described is inaccurate/is inappropriate/pisses you off, let me know and ill rectify immediately.

© psychotic banana 2003-2006
ask before stealing any material off here.

man, ive gotta put this in, is one of my alltime favs... mr abc and friends. joe dean is a genius!
finally, if you wanna see some funny shit, click here. =)

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